In hybrid working there is a danger of sitting too long. Now that the world is opening again, fewer employees want to go back to the old work situation; prefer to work from home part of the week and at the office other days. This hybrid work requires new agreements at work about health and fitness, suggests Professor Erik Scherder.

A recent study lists the pros and cons of working from home. Employees see the benefits of a better work-life balance: less time lost going to work, more enjoying home and social life, more efficient work, fewer meetings and more control over breaks.
Disadvantages are also mentioned. Such as the fact that people go out of the house less, physical activity and social interaction decrease, becoming fixated on the computer, being disturbed by other home workers and having too little access to essential work-related documents. Slightly less than half (45%) express themselves negatively about working from home.
The loss of physical activity due to working from home is mentioned by employees, but the research does not consider the negative consequences for health in general and the immune system in particular. A recent study shows very well that only regular moderately intensive exercise allows the immune system to function as optimally as possible.
When sitting a lot and moving little, the effect of vaccination decreases sharply from the age of 60. The University of Twente concluded that staff were more inactive by working from home. 78% said they sit more and stand less at home (68%). and exercise (79%).
Boss and staff will have to discuss how they will shape the working week after corona. People in sedentary occupations will have to become aware of the need to move during their breaks in order to interrupt sitting.
The Backjoy provides a better sitting posture and an active seat because the bottom is round. As a result, the abdominal muscles (core) are used for active sitting.
Source: Telegraaf